Who we are

Hey, hello (-:

With a boundless obsession with technology and
a healthy dose of aversion against the status quo,
we bring you solutions that tell you exactly what you need to know and do.

This is how we help you achieve and maintain your intended goals.

Simply solutions that work.

For whom?

Anyone who doesn't want to indulge in
technical drivel.

Suitable for you?

We are here for small to medium-sized entrepreneurs.

Our mission?

Driven until the intended improvement
is both achieved and sustained.

Maximillion Amstell

Fulltime Nerd | Data Mogul

Meet Max. Data Nerd, Data Driven. All about efficiency, speed and the bigger picture. A system-thinker.

Geoffrey van Oostveen

Geoffrey van Oostveen

Full-time Nerd | Founder

Meet Geoffrey. Full-time Nerd. Entrepreneur at heart. Likes to sink his teeth into complex technical issues and takes on any challenge. Works every day to achieve and exceed his goals. Also gets excited by scandalous good food and a party every now and then.

Eleonore Saija

Full-time Nerd | Founder

Meet Eleonore. Communications Nerd.


Full-time Nerd | Security Expert


Full-time Nerd | Systems thinker

Meet us or
learn more about our approach?

Simply solutions that work.